1.However, Hsieh said that the real reason that he sold the company was that it wasn't a fun place to work anymore.
2.The compelling and directing power of his passion for her was the real reason for all this.
3.The first thing for you to do is to analyze the real reason why you broke up with him and try to work on it.
4.However, El Shafee said he believes the real reason for the trial was that the book ridiculed political figures.
5.Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well.
6.Considering all that Cheney has done to impugn Obama's policies, what was the real reason for that call?
7.Her speech "does not guarantee victory, " it said, "but supplies the left, at last, with a real reason to believe in it. "
8.Yep. The real reason I came to see you was to see if you could help me get reimbursed for my business expenses.
9.At a time of enormous problems, the politicians seem Lilliputian. That's the real reason to be afraid.
10.'To tell you the truth, Mrs Hurst, the lamb isn't my real reason for coming. I want to ask Miss Everdene if she'd like to be married. '